Future Prospects
- Publication Date:
- Last updated:2019-01-10
- View count:2666
Future Tasks
‧Reinforce the esprit de corps of the prosecutors and bailiffs, fight crime, and expose wrongdoings.
‧Eradicate crime and violence; examine policies on graft and corruption.
‧Check and arrest smugglers and stowaways.
‧Improve criminal investigations skills and techniques; adhere strictly to the principle of what is right.
‧Cooperate with the court s cross-examination; carry out effectively indictment proceedings.
‧Supervise mediation procedures in towns and townships; strengthen transmuted mediation, reduce the source of lawsuits.
‧Promote legal education; establish the concept of the rule of law.
‧Strengthen civil service work to prevent illegal acts.
‧Reinforce probation education to fulfill correction function.
‧Improve public service; establish an image of accessibility.